Saturday, March 14, 2009

An Existential Crisis

While browsing the internet - mainly news sources, Facebook, and Twitter - I noticed that Facebook has changed the question it asks us all on its homepage. The question now reads "What's on your mind". The old homepage, as many of you may or may not recall, read "What are you doing". The latter was definitely a lot easier to answer than the former.

I can only be doing a few things - talking to a friend, reading a book, skiing - but there's a whole slew of topics on my mind. For example, last night I was given approval to move back to my apartment in Chicago - do I want to move back? will I move back? will I find a job there? Another example - I sat through a 5 hour prep course this morning that is supposed to help me attain an international financial designation - will this change my career prospects? will I make more money?

There's a lot on my mind. Most of it would rank "junior subordinated" on the CAST page at work, but still, its important to me.

Slumdog Millionaire lovers, whats your view on the new Pussycat doll video? The movie didn't change my life like it did for many - yes it was an upbeat movie in a down economy. However, I think the reason many enjoyed it was the fact that the director was British and the movie was based on a country they all had heard about.

Anyways, thats enough babble for tonight. Still trying to get my thoughts in order. This might not be the most elegant blog, but I'm still trying to articulate my thoughts properly.

So much of what I'm doing now is out of sight, but that doesn't make it any less important - J

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